Nazaruddin denies close ties with axed KPK official
Ina Parlina, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 03/07/2012 3:24 PM

M. Nazaruddin: ( Ismanto)
Graft defendant Muhammad Nazaruddin confirmed on Wednesday that he once met with the antigraft body's former director of investigations Brig. Gen. Yurod Saleh, but denied that they had any personal ties.
Just recently, Yurod was reassigned back to the National Police after his seven-year stint with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Yurod, who was assigned to the KPK in 2004, was installed as director of investigations in May last year.
KPK spokesman Johan Budi has denied speculation that Yurod was dismissed due to an alleged breach in ethics, saying that the move was merely a regular “rotation to refresh KPK staffers."(INDIRECT SPEECH)
Nazaruddin told reporters before his court hearing on Wednesday that he had met Yurod after he asked an investigator named Novel if he could meet someone who could confirm the status of his wife, Neneng Sri Wahyuni, as a suspect in a different graft case in 2008.
"I had requested from Novel that I meet KPK leaders as I wanted to know why the KPK had named my wife a suspect," he told reporters (DIRECT SPEECH). "She was not a public official at the time of the case."
Neneng is a fugitive and suspect in a rigged 2008 procurement bid for solar power equipment at the Manpower and Transmigration Ministry.
According to Nazaruddin, the meeting took place in August last year at the time of his first interrogation as a suspect in the high-profile graft case centering on the construction of the SEA Games athletes’ village.
"Novel said no KPK leaders were available and referred me to Yurod," he said. "So, there I was, meeting him in the presence of Novel. I asked him about my wife. That was it.(DIRECT SPEECH)
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